Friday, April 12, 2013

Lift the five criteria for a good candidate

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As with any type of surgery, there are a number of different factors which determine whether or not you are a good candidate for this procedure. Using the five criteria listed and described in the directory below, you will be able to develop a good idea of whether or not you are a good candidate for face lift surgery. Please keep in mind, however, that this guide is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified physician.
No. 1: general health and comprehensive

It is never a good idea to undergo surgery if you are not in good health, but it is absolutely necessary, I mean really improve your health. Going under anesthesia, surgery and the subsequent healing process can be very cumbersome if you are already in bad health. Election face list in almost all cases, it is unlikely that your doctor and your surgeon will clear You for this procedure if you are not good.
Even if you are healthy, you should discuss the medicines that you take with your surgeon. Some drugs can interfere with anesthesia, and complicate the healing process. If you happen to take any type of drugs, you will have to stop taking or wean ourselves from drugs before surgery. Only do so under medical supervision. If you have to keep taking medication for your health, you probably will not be a candidate for face lift surgery.

No. 2: emotional health

Face lift surgery is defined as "a success" If patients go into surgery with realistic expectations were satisfied with the results, and after the healing process has ended. However, surgeons have found people who are not emotionally rarely managed to face lift surgery. If the patient after surgery to please others or feel that surgery would cure the problem in his life, was disappointed.

No. 3 and 4: age, skin condition

The best candidate for face lift surgery, men and women between the ages of 40 and 60 who still have some flexibility in their skin. This is the age of the early signs of aging become very clear. Between 40 and 60, the skin begins to droop and SAG and folds. Elevator is intended to reverse the effects of aging. Even though this is the perfect age for a candidate to raise a face, a face lift successful in patients in 1980.
No. 5: understanding risks and limitations facial lift surgery

Face lift surgery can be done Beauty much improve the appearance. However, it could not change the status of a patient's skin. While the skin will appear to consider more tone face lift surgery, and color (or colors), and will not change the texture of the skin. A man in his 60s, for example, will not look like it came from a high school picture after a facelift. Also, it is very important for patients to understand the risks associated with face lift surgery, and be prepared for all possible outcomes.

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